LunarCrush Final Design Mockup
LunarCrush Final Design Mockup
LunarCrush Final Design Mockup

LunarCrush Portfolio Optimization


LunarCrush uses machine learning to analyze social media data and provide sentiment analysis for investment assets like crypto and stocks.

The goal of this project was to optimize and redesign the portfolio feature on the LunarCrush website and mobile app.


3 months

My role:

UI Designer and UX Researcher


Fintech, Crypto, Investing, Artificial Intelligence

Desktop Home


LunarCrush Desktop Home Before
LunarCrush Desktop Home Before
LunarCrush Desktop Home Before


LunarCrush Home Desktop After
LunarCrush Home Desktop After
LunarCrush Home Desktop After

Desktop Allocations


LunarCrush Allocations Page Before Optimization
LunarCrush Allocations Page Before Optimization
LunarCrush Allocations Page Before Optimization


LunarCrush Allocations Page After Optimization
LunarCrush Allocations Page After Optimization
LunarCrush Allocations Page After Optimization

Mobile Home


LunarCrush Home on Mobile Before Optimization
LunarCrush Home on Mobile Before Optimization
LunarCrush Home on Mobile Before Optimization


LunarCrush Home on Mobile After Optimization
LunarCrush Home on Mobile After Optimization
LunarCrush Home on Mobile After Optimization

Mobile Allocations


LunarCrush Allocations on Mobile Before Optimization
LunarCrush Allocations on Mobile Before Optimization
LunarCrush Allocations on Mobile Before Optimization


LunarCrush Allocations on Mobile After Optimization
LunarCrush Allocations on Mobile After Optimization
LunarCrush Allocations on Mobile After Optimization

Defining The Problem


The portfolio hadn’t been updated in over a year and was seeing very low engagement.

My job was to identify user pain points in the current portfolio experience and design solutions.

Research Method:

User Interviews, Surveys


In our research, we conducted five user interviews and gathered 100 user responses from surveys.

LunarCrush Home on Mobile With Annotations
LunarCrush Home on Mobile With Annotations
LunarCrush Home on Mobile With Annotations

Problem #1

Visual Elements Not Accessible

There were visual elements of the current portfolio designs that were not accessible to all users.

Example 1

Disorienting gradients made charts difficult to read.

Example 2

Font and icon sizes too small. Hard to read and understand.

LunarCrush Home on Mobile With Annotations
LunarCrush Home on Mobile With Annotations
LunarCrush Home on Mobile With Annotations

Problem #2

Difficult Onboarding Process

In the existing portfolio feature, users could only track their assets by manual entry as we didn’t yet facilitate third-party account connections.

Example 1

Users had to manually enter the exact amount of an asset they bought and the exact buy price.

Example 2

The portfolio was often inaccurate and allowed room for human error.

LunarCrush Allocations on Mobile With Annotations
LunarCrush Allocations on Mobile With Annotations
LunarCrush Allocations on Mobile With Annotations

Problem #3

Low Value Allocations Page

The allocations page wasn’t deemed useful by users. There were also accessibility problems on this page.

Example 1

Small icon sizes made the allocations wheel difficult to read.

Example 2

The design of the wheel chart needed a modern refresh to add visual flare.

How Is This Impacting The Business?

Through our research and testing we discovered the following ways this feature would impact the business:

  • Portfolio features have the potential to drive consistent daily user activity. 

  • Accessibility issues harm user retention and make the business vulnerable.

  • The outdated portfolio feature was an untapped revenue opportunity.

  • Outdated UI designs are harmful to our brand image.

Through our research and testing we discovered the following ways this feature would impact the business:

  • Portfolio features have the potential to drive consistent daily user activity. 

  • Accessibility issues harm user retention and make the business vulnerable.

  • The outdated portfolio feature was an untapped revenue opportunity.

  • Outdated UI designs are harmful to our brand image.

Design Process

After identifying solutions and collecting research, we began working in 2-week design sprints, breaking it into distinct phases: shaping, exploration, design polish, QA, and launch.

User Journey Mapping

User Journey Mapping Exercise
User Journey Mapping Exercise


I make sketches for my own use when strategizing the first version of any UI.

Sketchbook with Design Sketches
Sketchbook with Design Sketches
Sketchbook with Design Sketches

Early Designs

After defining the necessary core experiences, I created low-fidelity wireframes that would go through multiple team workshops before becoming finalized designs and prototypes.

Early Low Fidelity Designs
Early Low Fidelity Designs

Workshops & Feedback Implementation

The wireframes went through multiple iterations after a series of 3 team design exploration workshops.

Wireframe -> High Fidelity

Low Fidelity Designs Turning Into High Fidelity Designs With Annotations
Low Fidelity Designs Turning Into High Fidelity Designs With Annotations
Low Fidelity Designs Turning Into High Fidelity Designs With Annotations
Low Fidelity Designs Turning Into High Fidelity Designs With Annotations

Measurable Results

Desktop Home Mockup
Desktop Home Mockup
Desktop Home Mockup
Desktop Home Mockup


Increase in existing user activity on the portfolio feature in the first week.


User activity increase on the feature in the first week.


Buildup in new user activity on the portfolio feature after 3 months.


Buildup in new user activity on the portfolio feature after 3 months.

Mobile Allocations Mockup
Mobile Allocations Mockup
Mobile Allocations Mockup
Mobile Allocations Mockup
Desktop Allocations Mockup
Desktop Allocations Mockup
Desktop Allocations Mockup
Desktop Allocations Mockup


Reduction in average user bounce rate (improved user retention).


Reduction in average user bounce rate and CTR.

(improved user retention).


Boost to subscription tier upgrade conversions (to gain access to stocks).

Third Party Account Connections Settings Page Mockup
Third Party Account Connections Settings Page Mockup
Third Party Account Connections Settings Page Mockup
Third Party Account Connections Settings Page Mockup


Boost to subscription tier upgrade conversions (to gain access to stocks).

Manual Cryptocurrency Purchase Mockup
Manual Cryptocurrency Purchase Mockup
Manual Cryptocurrency Purchase Mockup
Manual Cryptocurrency Purchase Mockup


Bump in new user sign-ups (across all of LunarCrush).


Bump in new user sign-ups (across all of LunarCrush).

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Thanks for visiting!

Reach out and let’s chat.

Thanks for visiting!

Reach out and let’s chat.